Supporting Veterans And Their Families

Over the past four years we’ve done a lot of work four our veterans and their families. Whether it was implementing the Pension for Life which gives more money to our veterans, re-opened every Veterans Affairs Office that the Harper government closed, or invested in mental health, we’ve made a lot of progress.

But we still have a lot of work to do.

Veterans have given years of their lives in service to others, driven by a profound sense of duty. So have their families. Both have earned our deep gratitude and respect. We will move forward to make sure that every veteran gets the help they need, and will support their families when they need it, too.

Mental Health Support

We will reach out to every Canadian veteran to make sure they get timely and effective mental health care, when and where they need it.

Nearly two out of every five veterans report some form of mental health challenge – nearly double the Canadian average – with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety disorders the most commonly diagnosed issues. But today, only about 10 per cent of veterans who need mental health support get the help they need from Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC). That’s not acceptable.

To ensure that our veterans have access to high-quality mental health care when and where they need it, we will move forward with a new rapid-response service staffed by social workers, case management counsellors, and peer support workers. We will proactively reach out to every Canadian veteran to make sure that they know about the help available, and how to access it.

Disability Benefits

We will make it easier for veterans to get disability benefits. No veteran should ever have to suffer in silence. To help ease the stigma that many may feel about starting a disability claim, and to make sure that every veteran gets the help they need, we will give our veterans up to $3,000 in free counselling services before a disability claim is required.

This will give veterans in need of help nearly six months of free support, provided directly by VAC or one if its service partners, and will help as many as 20,000 veterans each year.

And to simplify and shorten the process, we will move forward with automatic approval for the most common disability applications, including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and arthritis, among others.

Support for Families

We will help families settle in when duty forces them to relocate. Every year, about 10,000 members of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are relocated, along with their families, to work in a different part of Canada. This may mean a promotion or a chance to try new things – but it can also be a time of tremendous stress as families adapt to new routines and partners look for new work.

To help family members more easily adjust to their new homes, we will move forward with a national employment and training support service. This service will provide career counselling, job matching, and other employment help tailored to the unique needs of military and policing families. We will also give families a tax-free $2,500 benefit every time they relocate, to help with retraining, recertification, and other costs of finding new work.

Homeless Veterans

We will make sure every homeless veteran has a place to call home. Every year, about 3,000 veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police use the services of an emergency shelter. After their dedicated and selfless service to our country, Canadians can all agree: one homeless veteran is one too many.

To address veterans’ homelessness, we will move forward with building new, purpose-built accessible and affordable housing units, with a full range of health, social, and employment supports for veterans who need extra help. We will support this work with an additional investment of $15 million a year.

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